I appreciate that you've pointed this out to me, but I need a better understanding as to how this works. Format menu : Copy Style (option+cmd+C) in source document. Is it possible to change this color or to choose another default? Even choosing another default wouldn't necessarily work for me as I often use multiple highlight colors in a document. This makes me think that the pale yellow highlight isn't the same as a regular highlight. The yellow remains and small bands on the top & bottom of the yellow highlight show the color that I've chosen to change (pink). If I try to change the highlight from the pale yellow, it appears the color is changed behind the yellow. The usual way to add bullet points is to highlight the paragraph in which we want to add bullet points and then choose our preferred style of numbering from. I think there is a 3 key shortcut already but I want it specifically to be the above shortcut. I want to set this process to Select the text -> Press cmd + H on keyboard. Currently what I do to highlight text is: Select the text -> Right click -> Select Highlight. Yet in the Format panel, choosing Style, the little dropdown w/the gear (next to bold, italics, underline), shows that there isn't a highlight color. I want to create a custom shortcut for highlighting text in foxit reader mac. How do you modify the color? When I tried to use it, the highlight defaulted to a very pale yellow color. But, I'm confused as to how this shortcut or Insert>Highlight works. Sorry, I didn't see this before, although apparently others missed it as well.